Saturday, May 30, 2015


This saturday and past week I've had the chance to explore more around Jena. On thursday I found a rock climbing place. I'm excited to go there every week and get back in climbing shape. Check it out:

I'm just worried that the other kids will think I'm weird.

Just kidding here's the real rock climbing place:

It's just a bouldering place but it's near our apartment here. It's called Plan B, which doesn't really sound like a climbing place if you ask me. There's another place near downtown that has roped climbing. I'll have to check it out some day. 

Today on saturday we hiked around the hills here in Jena and found the bismarckturm as well as the forstturm which we didn't know existed. Here is a picture of the bismarckturm: 

This tower was built in the hills above Jena around 1900 to celebrate the unification of Germany under Bismarck. As we headed down the hill to town we saw this view of the town.

Jena from the hill. We eventually made it to the town and found a grocery store that sells Cherry coke! I'm really excited about that. We then went to a store called intersport and got some ping pong paddles. The park next to our apartment complex has some tables that we can go play on. I was also finally able to check out the church here. It's an old church and was probably a catholic church at one point. Today it is a lutheran church. Martin Luther lived near here and actually spoke at this church. During the reformation, many catholic churches were ransacked and many opulent things were destroyed. Lutheran churches are known for their plainness and even this church is more opulent than most lutheran churches.

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