Saturday, August 1, 2015

paris, day 3

versailles day. woot.
a couple of the interns went to paris a few weeks ago, so naturally we were asking them for advice. the one thing they kept telling us was: don’t go to versailles. it’s overrated. if you have to go, just go to the gardens. but don’t go to versailles. you’ll regret it. let’s see. what else? oh yeah…don’t go to versailles!!

so we went to versailles.

it was cool on the outside, and kinda cool on the inside, but they were right: it is kinda overrated. mostly because there’s 8.7 kajillion people every where you look. but it’s a cool place. and the gardens? gorgeous. we ate the bread and cheese we brought while watching people attempt (but fail miserably) to row. all in all, we had a grand time.
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fun story: on the train home, i fell asleep. i woke up as somebody ran into my shoulder on his way off the train. i vaguely remember hearing him say “pardon” but i thought it was tayte, hitting me in the shoulder, telling me to get off the train. so i groggily stood up and looked to the exit. thankfully the real tayte pulled me back down again. #besthusbandever i can’t be trusted for at least 10 minutes after i wake up in the morning, but it’s like 27 minutes after a nap. i’m so out of it. obviously.

anyway. once we got back to paris, we decided to hit up the arc de triomphe. and since it’s us, we are never satisfied with just looking up at stuff. so we climbed all the stairs to the top. it was actually pretty cool because of all the streets that meet up at the arc.
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we were so grateful we didn’t have to cross that crazy roundabout to get to the arc. they had a little underground tunnel that led to the stairs.
otherwise we would have died.

then tayte decided he wanted to go to the hotel d’invalides, which was basically a military museum. it had napoleon’s tomb, as well as some other military schtuff. it was mighty coolio.

“do you have a tube of cannonball wound ointment?”DSC_0386DSC_0396

then we went to the rodin museum, mostly because it was across the street. i mean, who is rodin? i had no idea. he just sculpted some stuff and has a museum named after him. so that’s cool.

what can think the unthinkable?

-an ithbergDSC_0416DSC_0417

as my girl beyonce always says, if you like than you shoulda put a ring on it.

then we went for a tasty dinner at a place i picked (aka we walked past it and the prices were good). tayte ordered snails. ugh.

…ok they were good. whatever. then we took our full tummies and put them to bed.
1 more day. another day, another destiny. on this never-ending road to calvary… (see what i did there? it’s appropriate because we’re in france.

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